Currently, helping people
experience the world
& based out of
Search adoption & efficacy
An improvement to the existing search feature to increase it's adoption and efficacy
Experience itinerary
Live entertainment booking flow
Product cards
Coming soon
Built figma plugins using AI to improve workflow of the Headout design team
Me, right now
Here since 2022 and right now:
Designing for discovery and conversion
Entertainment booking flow
Product cards
Experience page
Leading efforts towards design systems
Figuring out localisation x design
Improving dev handoff
Rewatching B99 for nth time
Clearing that movie backlog
Created this section to thank all the people out creating amazing content and tutorials which played a role in shaping this website as well as my career, thank you.
Random design workshop which sparked my product design journey.
Youtube channels & Twitter accounts which taught me.
Every person who decided to give me a shot.
Friends I made along the way
& many more…